For Shadow: Page 05
Our first glimpse of the majestic (and wet) Lake Aklo.
Also, holy cow… does this mean lil’ Milisindra is now bereft of a ssssooouuullll?
Guess we’ll find out in due time…
Our first glimpse of the majestic (and wet) Lake Aklo.
Also, holy cow… does this mean lil’ Milisindra is now bereft of a ssssooouuullll?
Guess we’ll find out in due time…
She speaks french?
And pantaloons…seriously?
These are cultured kids ^-^
Ahem, somebody (ie me) decided a bunch of months back to take the piss out of Millie’s (admittedly fairly well-known amongst English speakers) French phraseology in this page. ;)
Millie needs to get in touch with Wendy Darling, *the* expert in returning shadows to their proper owners…
She would be helpful in this situation, wouldn’t she? She should start a service.
WE have an editing feature, but only because we own the website I’m afraid. It would be handy if folks could edit their own posts though.
I’ve fixed up your comment the way you’d have liked it to appear. Unfortunately by doing so I inadvertently cast Tom’s reply down to the bottom of the comments here… which makes sense in hindsight, seeing as they were nested, but oh well.
Tom’s comment will just have to remain floating and black-smokey and Calcifer-powered down there, like the titular castle-shaped roaming visual illusion featured in a certain book by Diana Wynne Jones (a book which was a formative influence upon me from my early teens onwards), I suppose. Mmmhmmm.
I have learned something about not tinkering with such things unless absoLOOTly necessary. I now feel weird editing a reader’s comment, even though I did so in the spirit of attempting to be helpful (as opposed to say, the spirit of Stalinist authoritarianism, bwaaa-haa).
I reckon I shall refrain from editing people’s comment-typos (and errors in general) for them in the future, unless I’m specifically asked to.
Incidentally Reynard, are you aware of the history behind the name the name Wendy? It has a bit of a twisted origin/rise-to-popularity which I think is pretty neat.
Well, considering that she’s a ginger it’s not like she much of a soul to start with.
Also on a side note, great comic. I’m glad it’s finally up, I’ve been looking forward to it for awhile now. I look forward to to you have planned for the future.
Awww, you try looking into those big green eyes and saying that!
Thank you so much! So glad to hear you’re enjoying it :D
Ah-haaaa obligatory ginger/no-soul aside #1 has come to pass! (I assume there will be more further down the track somewhere.) Well put, 52Pickup.
And thanks for the encouraging words :)
I wish I had the view these girls have.
Granted, I do have a view of a horse farm from my window. That’s not too shabby.
All I see out my window is a buncha sandworms.
“Ya hate ’em right? I HATE ‘EM MYSELF!”