For Shadow: Page 09
I love how Chelsea just straight-up drops Millie as soon as they reach the bottom of the stairs, casual as, as both a means of unburdening herself and providing a non-verbal reply to Alain’s “Dad brand®” jocosity.
Also, OW!
Trivia time!
I took the photo featured on the wall in panel two waaay back in the winter of 2005. I was lying in bed one afternoon with a certain person who was for many years often a guest in my bed, and it was she who happened to notice that the sunlight coming through the top of the curtains of my bedroom window and shining on the ceiling kinda looked like the eyes of the Nightmare Worm. Pretty spooooky eh?
An curiously me-specific bit of pareidolia really, especially seeing as the Worm and windows have a certain connection that those who have read Agents of the Endtimes will be familiar with.
Some people see Jesus on their burrito*, but me, I had a hideously ancient mind-plaguing monster which lurks behind the veil of hypnagogia manifest itself above my bed.
*Why is it pretty much always a burrito, of all things?? Are their any scholars of theophany out there among the C&M readership who could shed some light on this?
It’s just that I’m kinda fascinated by that particular phenomenon because it’s just so… odd.
I’ve spent most of this week inhabiting the blank-slate clone femmevessel of a certain Canadian lady while leaving in my wake a trail of destruction so epic even a methed-up Texas tornado would find it impressive, purely because I can, and even I think holy burritos are a pretty darn bizarre concept, y’know?
Holy burrito, Batman! You’re right again!
Holy why do we work in a cave full of guano Batman! What am I right about?
Everything, I assume, except of course for the small matter of me using Annie-Claude Deschênes’ stolen blood to clone me up a Deschênes Doppelgänger, with seemingly no regard whatsoever for the welfare and reputation of the Original Deschênes and the fact that there are now several warrants out for her arrest due to me misappropriating her likeness pretty much in order to take it for a joyride.
Oh, and because she can fly — it was my desire to emulate that ability of hers which inspired me to come up with this terrible scheme in the first place. Tsk tsk tsk.
Cos even I know that that sort of carry on is the antithesis of “right”, and I’m me.
Tarnation, oh bugger?
the things kids say nowadays, I suppose next I’ll be hearing some of the lingo from Randy Cunningham:9th Grade Ninja
I’m not sure whether or not Tom has seen that show (Tom’s responsible for both “tarnation” and “bugger” appearing in this story’s dialogue), but as of yet I haven’t. So (and I say this in a literal and polite sense) I have no idea what you’re talking about Sir :p
But if you wanna provide some examples of what you’re getting at, for the sake of satiating my curiosity, I’m all for it (and will be grateful for the elucidation).
I know very little about the show in general thus far, aside from reading about how Mr. Jhonen V (pictured here in a typically noctivagant state of nifty ray-gun-waving existential agitation over how VasqeuzFly just doesn’t the same intrinsically sinister ring to it as BrundleFly does) was responsible for the majority of the show’s character designs.
Randy Cunningham:9th Grade Ninja is a TV show on Disney XD it’s totally weird and confusing if you don’t follow the shows but at the same time it’s funny and snarky. all in all it’s a good show.
Certainly sounds like my kind of show!
That show has all sorts of weird lingo, some of which I will enlighten you with
SO BRUCE! – Awesome. Radical. Cool.
THE CHEESE – The best, most important and excellent thing that there is..
SHOOB –Loser, Idiot, Someone who totally doesn’t get it.
WONK – Lame. Un-Cool.
SHNASTY – Disgusting, repulsive and all around ick.
HONKIN’ – Very.
And the one I’ve incorporated into everyday use
WHAT THE JUICE?! – An exclamation of shock and/or confusion.