For Shadow: Page 10
Ahh, the joys of parenting…
EDIT: Here’s a link to me whittering on about the finer points of this particular page, some months back.
The existence of that Creation Station post slipped my mind when I posted this page, but I really should include this link to it here.
I like this one. I like the microwave being the door to Narnia :)
Nice to have another character in there too!
Oh that Millie, she does get a little… confused, from time to time. Heeheehee!
Coincidentally, last night when I was watching The Conjuring I thought to myself “that wardrobe definitely ain’t the door to Narnia”.
No one’s proved Millie WRONG about that yet!
We loves it! We purely does! It’s a most perfect melding of art and dialogue into a uber-special hyper-spacial amalgam of wicked-coolness that… um… *wheeze* *koff* *koff* …
Sorry about that. Got a bit carried away. I do like it, though. Like that there are both sight gags and word gags. And so on.
That’s awesome to hear ^-^ Thank you!
Thank you Fredcritter! Making webcomics can be such a seemingly thankless task at times, but complimentary comments such as yours do wonders for keeping the ol’ self-esteem/motivation up.
I should have included a link to this in my comment under this page, as it’s pertinent.
Thanks for pointing me there. That’s always been my approach to “in” references as well. I put ’em in (in my casual day-to-day conversation and posting) ’cause I enjoy doing so. I reckon if somebody notices one, that’s gravy. If anyone notices and comments, that’s *good* gravy. Heh.
Although there are also times I slip one in thinking “Jon Singer will enjoy this” (or Suzle, or somebody else with whom I have particular bits of shared culture).
Millie, don’t unhinge your sister’s jaw please.
My favorite thing about Chelsea and Millie’s parents is how they don’t immediately tell them “oh you’re just imagining things.” They let them have their fun.
I love that the parents buy their unbelievable stories, breaking the cliché of “only the kids are aware of the wacky shit”.
OH. Tom said pretty much the same thing. ^_^
Yeah totally. The “only the kids are aware” trope has been done to death.