La Chica Fantasma: Page 03
OoooOOOooOOOooooh!!! Is this… a call from The Great Beyond?
And more importantly, is it collect??
You know what they say about “you can’t take it with you when you go” and all, so I posit that if this is a toll call (which I assume that it is, owing to the supposed vast distance involved between callers — it’s not called “The Great Beyond” for nothing, right?), no damn spooks are gonna be paying for this, cos they’re obviously all broke-ass mofos.
Should’ve done this on Skype, girls.
You know, despite putting it into the script, I’ve never played with a Ouiji board in my entire life. Am I missing out on something here? I always found it weird it was old in the board games section. Are there game rules to it of any kind?
What Maxy Vexy doesn’t realize is that one of the perks of being a ghost is that you can call anywhere, anytime, free of charge. It’s like the next level of a senior citizen discount.
The grrrrrreeeeeAAAAAT BEYOOOOONNNND! OoooooOOOOOOooooo! Incidentally, this is my favorite song about the great beyond that also happens to be titled “The Great Beyond” –
Nice pants, Stipe!
Welp, I do own a ouija board (an old, wooden one), and I’ve yet to be plagued by spirits (except for that one time, but that was unrelated to ouijas [warning: link is riddled with profanity]), and I should stress the YET part of that statement. Because there are indeed rules that ought to be abided by when dealing with such implements of potentially deleterious ultra-destruction, and I abide by the number one rule at all times: BE CAREFUL.*
Y’know the house-guest who up and raids the fridge, who hangs around way past their welcome, and who is generally as annoying and disruptive as all get out? Imagine if that were a demon, and you couldn’t get the damn thing to leave? “Annoying” would be a sunshiney gambol thru the daffodils with one’s sweetheart compared to that.
Anyway, a ouija board (aka a spirit board or talking board) is a Class B invocational divination-tool, originating, ultimately, from the Chinese practise of Fuji (planchette writing), itself a form of cleromancy (as are all card and board games) and is generally but not exclusively used in séances.
Using a ouija board is a form of necromancy (speaking to/with the dead), by way of sciomancy (divination using ghosts, spirits and/or shadows), letnomancy (divination by secrets), and in some cases via (oft. accidental) demonomancy (divination by demons), necyomancy (the summoning of damned souls), and, it could be argued, via moromancy (by foolishness).
Or, if one takes a scientifically-based skeptical viewpoint, the resultant messages which manifest from a ouija-session are driven purely by the ideomotor phenomenon and/or deliberate mischief by one or more participants (seen here in Chelsea’s conscious movement of the planchette to the word “yes”).
They’re actually a very modern product. has a pretty decent article detailing the ouija board’s origin, its history and how it became an iconic spookything, which can be found here.
One or more people (conventionally “two or more”, but eh, if Regan MacNeil can do it by herself…) are meant to get around the board, each touching its planchette, and the planchette is then meant to move “on its own accord” and spell out messages, i.e. answers to questions posed to either a specific entity, or to whom/whatever may be hanging around in the ether and listening in.
Here’s a guide to the safe use of a ouija board “ALWAYS say GOODBYE”. Well, about as safe as one can be I guess.
By using the board Chelsea and Millie are querents, of a sort (well, OK, Chelsea is), seeking to gain knowledge from denizens of Realms Beyond. Modern or not, the ouija board is still an invocational divination-tool, meant to be used in order to contact entities which may very well actively despise the Living. This is not really something one ought to approach lightly.
Just ask The Mars Volta.
And on that note, this is my favourie ouija-related song:
“It’s only a matter of folding time and space
Before I become your epidemic.”
* Or perhaps I’m just having you all on. Who can tell? Not you, dear readers, I wager :p