La Chica Fantasma: Page 06
The page in which Chiquita formally introduces herself.
Which is kind of a big deal for me, to tell you the truth.
I came up with Chiquita around four-or-so years ago, and I’ve had this scene in my mind for a large portion of those years — drawing it a few weeks back, and now posting it, feels really really good.
Feels “right” to have this out there — out of my mind’s eye and displayed in a semi-tangible, shareable form. Finally.
For I have watched her watching them for quite some time…
(N.B. I gave Chiquita the surname “Hernandez” in honour of my friend [and long-time supporter of my work] Celina Hernandez, who is a fantastic artist and a genuinely lovely person.)
I’m surprised at her formality, using “mi nombre es” instead of “me llamo”.
Indeed, Chiquita’s parlance is slightly archaic, and slightly overly-formal.
This is largely due to her having lived in a time when it wasn’t so much so.
I’m no great shakes at Spanish, but her word-choice/phraseology is (usually) a deliberate stylistic choice on my part (or potentially the result of me gettin’ things a bit wrong, although we now have a native Mexican-Spanish speaker on board in a consultant capacity, to help us with getting things right, thank heavens).
These are some of my favorite images of Chiquita ^-^
What IS up with her teeth?
Meh. Once you get past ’em, she’s actually pretty cute.
Just a bit of cosmetic shapeshifting on Chiquita’s part in order for her to appear more intimidating (seeing as Chiquita blithely ignored Chelsea’s question, I suppose it’s up to me to provide an answer here).
I just can’t help myself with da Cute though. Cute with a smidge of sinister is the best kind of cute.
Indeed. Finestkind.
=This= is truly quite wonderful indeed. Well worth the wait, I’d say. Perfection. From the … uh … (what’s the equivalent of “thrice” for “four times”?) … repeated OMIGOSH, to Chiquita morphing and looking appropriately entirely different yet always herself in each frame, to her closing line, to…
Teeth. Yes.
Frice? OK, not reeeeaaally, but it’ll do me.
Um, I’m a big ol’ wussbag, as I got quite misty-eyed reading your comment Fred (my emotional state was influenced by the fact that when I read it I was listening to a song which happens to affect me very deeply).
Thank you so much.
I work so damn hard on Chelsea and Millie and its (currently 87% under wraps) Satellite Projects, and getting such lovely feedback really helps bolster my self-confidence and belief that all this hard work is worth it. So glad to hear you’re getting a kick out of our comic to such a degree, sir.