La Chica Fantasma: Page 08
Although scatological humour doesn’t feature much in my work, I’m certainly not above bringing the narrative flow to a screeching halt in order to make what is basically a whole page’s worth of poop jokes.
It’s basically ontogenic of the “gunshots in the night” bit I added to Tom’s Rabelaisian japery in this page. Filtered through unsubtle allusions to harrowing existential horror. Huhuhuhuhh.
For a dose of my regular highbrow highfalutin pretentiousness, see the guest art I did for The Demon Archives which went up on that comic’s site today, as it contains a computronium-related über-nerdy AI-themed in-joke in the form of two modified versions of the Brus equation.
I… I don’t hear you laughing…
I discovered The Demon Archives a few weeks ago, and it is, imo, effing cool. Seriously, it’s a marvelously crafted exploration into messing with the conventions of hard sci-fi, and what makes the human spirit tick, among many other elements which I am still in the process of wrapping my impressions around.
Highly recommended.
“Things that take dumps in the night?”
I cracked up at that line, hope there’s a callback to that later
That’s really cool to hear, that I managed to elicit some laughter with my silly mondegreen joke. It’s one of my favourite lines in this whole story, and (at the risk of sounding wanky) it made me laugh when I came up with it. Heeheehee!
English is a really weird language; full of strange abstractions and illogical impressionistic idioms, and I feel for anyone who is attempting to learn it and its myriad of complexities and idiosyncrasies, whether as a language other than one’s native language, or (as in Millie’s case) as one’s primary language.
Millie’s struggles with wrapping her five-year-old mind around English expressions is a recurring theme in C&M, and it’s something I rather enjoy exploring. She’s a bit of a literalist, that Millie. A bit of an Amelia Bedelia.
Oooooh I can’t possibly say anything either way about any callbacks. For me to do so would be spoiling things eh? *koff*
I like how they keep sticking their hands through her
Glad people are keeping track of that, cos that is actually going somewhere…
Millie’s having quite a bit of trouble processing this humanoid form of an intangible non-physical nature.
A spectral negative of the corporeal form this spirit-entity was once bound to the within the realm of the physical.
Poor Chiquita. She can’t even shed tears when she’s sad. I dunno ’bout you guys, but that actually makes me feel really sad for her.
She’s, in a way, a metaphor for a few things concerning myself. One of which is deep ennui-fed anhedonia — which is a soul-suffocating, scouring-of-vitality no-emotional state I’ve been afflicted with in the past.
Love their facial expressions. Particularly Chiquita’s in frame 3. Oh! And in frame 2. Hmm. While we’re at it, it’s pretty wonderful in frame 5 too.
Oh, heck. Let’s just go back to “LOVE their facial expressions…”
When I’d finished work on panel 5 Chiquita I was like “oh this has to be my social media avatar from here on in!”
And thus it became so. Except for the Creation Station avi — at the time of writing that’s of thrift-store-feral agit-vociferous Deschênes. Because she’s awesome.
If I were to be confronted by a majestic force of supernature like Chiquita I’d probably be freaking right-the-eff out right about now, but Chelsea and Millie are pretty used to weird paranormal occurrences in their lives (plus, kids are generally way more open-minded towards the possibilities of things outside of the parameters of what we so-called “rational adults” accept as being “real”), and Chiquita is not appreciating their seemingly blasé attitude regarding her sudden presence in their sphere of perception at all.
Damn punk kids!!
Where is your fear?!!
I predict that Chiquita’s gonna contravene the girls’ seemingly casual indifference towards her potential for nocuousness by reacting in an antagonistic fashion fairly soon…