I was aiming to have the planet Oscarvaria surrounded by a huge dirty integument comprised of massive amounts of space debris. Unfortunately, it now looks just as scummy as Earth. Unfortunate for us as a species I mean. I can’t even make an OTT-looking junked-up planet and not make it look just as polluted as our own. Or like the Lorax denouement — not that I consider my art skills to be anywhere near Dr. Seuss’ level of adroitness.
However, contaminated though it may be, our planet has George Clooney floating around out there (if a movie Kayla and her boyfriend and I saw last year is to believed*), and the oscarvarians’ planet does not (not that I know of anyway).
So we win!
*No it wasn’t the Solaris remake, oh
good gawd no, that’s a terrible movie,
the one we saw rocked my socks.
Originally, Tooplax’s name was “Xalpoot,” but my fiance said “his name would sound better if you reverse it.”
She was very right of course.
I’ve never thought coming up with names for things was a strong suit of mine, so I go and co-create a comic where I’ll be required to do that quite often. Get out of that comfort zone people! Oscarvarian isn’t bad. Yes, the Oscar part of it comes from Oscar the Grouch, I admit it.