Oh look, it’s Clover’s atramentous cat Gershwin! You can see more of him in the “Protocomics” section.
He doesn’t know just quite how the heck he wound up in this predicament, but reckons her might have to go claw some furniture and shred the edges of a few curtains to restore balance and order to his dignified position in the Gish Family hierarchy (which as far as he’s concerned is boss of them all). Maybe even puke in a shoe or two.
It was about this time in the script writing process I started to think about the science of all this. Could you signal an alien race who’s culture is based around filth by making a huge centrally located mess? Would they be distracted by all the garbage dumps and landfills on Earth? Does it all MAKE BLOODY SENSE?!
Maybe that’s what Gershwin, Clover’s black cat, is wondering as he’s tied in there. Or maybe he’s just wondering how in the blue heck he got there? wasn’t he just on top of the fridge? This is a strange, unfortunate world, is it not?
So anyway, the science of it all! The reality is, when these thoughts plague you…..repeat to yourself “it’s just a comic, I should really just relax” ;)
Besides, that’s not just ANY mess. That’s a Chelsea & Millie original! No way their sensors would miss that.
And who knows, maybe we haven’t seen the last of the Oscarvarians. Maybe our questions about their society and their tech will be answered in the future. Nobody knows for sure.
…..oh, actually, I do, since I write this stuff.
I’m usually not satisfied with “it’s just a show/comic/oeuvre”, but I rationalized that the oscarvarians need a huge mess and an oscarvarian near it to detect the signal.
That is a good rationalization!